
Genre: Biopic

Language: Nepali

Running Time: 3:00 hrs

Cast : Satya Raj Acharya, Aruna Karki ,Bipin Karki, Sunil Pokharel

A journey of a singer (Bhakta Raj Acharya) who grew up in an extreme poverty without father. his chances of achieving his dream of becoming a singer was slim to none, under the circumstances he was in. But, he over came all the obstacles and became one of the greatest singers of Nepal, just find his destiny waiting for him with a different plan. Because of fast spreading tumor in his tongue, he had to choose between his tongue and his life. Bhakta's tragic musical journey is picked up by his two sons from the point where he left off. He still lives in Kathmandu with his wife, sons, daughter in law and grand child.

Even as a young boy, Bhakta had known nothing than to love and appreciate music. Every step that he took in the coarse, hardship filled trail of his life, was a step to fuel that undying passion. Unfortunately, as fate would have it, this passion that defined his very existence was cut short in a tragic incident that changed the sole purpose, course and meaning of his life. Acharya is a journey of musical genius. A True Story of his determination, struggle and perpetual courage....A journey that promises to take us back in time to tell an untold story of a son, a father, a legend... Bhakta Raj Acharya. Also seen in the movie in a rare appearance by the legendary Ghazal Maestro Ghulam Ali Khan.
